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Armed Combat (Class) (PHY or DEX)

Knacks: By Weapon Class only

Every character, regardless of training or background, inherently knows several manoeuvres (Strike & Parry), how to launch a strike or attempt to parry an incoming attack in armed combat situations. In such scenarios, a character without formal training in Armed Melee would rely on (roll) their Physique or Dexterity Trait dice (Player’s Choice).

The Armed Melee skill goes beyond these basic instincts and represents specialised training in one or more Weapon Classes. The following list of weapons classes is not an accurate depiction of each discipline's real-world capabilities. Instead, it is intended to add depth and flavour to the player's roleplaying experience.

Note: If players or Game Masters feel these representations do not align with their understanding of Armed Melee weapons fighting, they are encouraged to discuss and adapt them as seen fit, recommended during a 'session zero’ before play commences.

As characters gain experience in Armed Melee skills, they gain access to advanced techniques called manoeuvres. These manoeuvres can perform specialised attacks or defences, such as unique strikes, snap attacks, leap attacks, disarm attacks and more. The acquisition of these manoeuvres can be found in the table below. This progression reflects the development of the character's skills, further enhancing their abilities in combat situations. Once a character has achieved d12 in an Armed Melee weapon class, they are considered a “Master” with that Weapon Class. Once achieving d12, the player can select a Manoeuvre from any Weapon Class.

It is important to note that weapons in a Weapon Class share the same techniques to wield them. This does not mean the weapons necessarily look similar. For instance, Blunt Weapon Class can include maces and hammers but also include picks and spikes.

Manoeuvre Progression Table

Armed Melee Skill LevelManoeuvre
d12+Any Manoeuvre*

*Can learn any Manoeuvre from any discipline

Weapon ClassBasic ManoeuvresAdvanced Manoeuvres
AxePower Attack, ThrowSweep, Riposte
BluntPower Attack, Tight GripDisarm, Counterstrike
KnifeSnap Attack, ThrowFeint, Counterstrike
Whip/ChainTangle, SweepTrip, Disarm
SwordRiposte, Power AttackDisarm, Feint
Great WeaponPower Attack, Tight GripSweep, Disarm
Spear/JavelinSweep, ThrowPower Attack, Tight Grip
PolearmSweep, GuardTrip, Power Attack
Buckler ShieldSnap Attack, GuardFeint, Lock
ShieldGuard, Tight GripDisarm, Bash

Note: Exotic weapons, including Nunchucks, Sai's, Tekko-Kagi, Falx, Chakram, Urumi, Kusarigama, Meteor Hammer, Bo Staff, Rope Dart and Bardiche can be learned by those with the "Exotic Weapon" Quirk.